
The IcePanel REST API is publicly accessible to write automated scripts or custom integrations with external tools.

Our OpenAPI 3.0 specification can be found at and opened by importing it into Postman.


First generate an API key on your organization management screen. Make sure to copy your key now as you won’t be able to see it again for security reasons!

You can then set the Authorization HTTP header on any authenticated requests.

Authorization: ApiKey SH5XAiWtgevC2ZfQym3i:17a9c60035eed62c8f4f195c754ee6972ffc40ce975c5571ec521f463ebefa7f


See the example below for how to request a list of projects using curl.

curl '{organizationId}/landscapes' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \                                                                                
  -H 'Authorization: ApiKey SH5XAiWtgevC2ZfQym3i:17a9c60035eed62c8f4f195c754ee6972ffc40ce975c5571ec521f463ebefa7f'